sarah is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham


Current version

The current version is 4.15.3 (Download)
Last update: 27.5.2024 (Changelog)

From July 2019 the responsibility for SARAH changed: it is no longer maintained by Florian Staub, but by Mark Goodsell and Werner Porod.
The last SARAH version involving Florian Staub was 4.14.2. The location of the wiki and forum have changed, but function very much like the old ones.


SARAH is a Mathematica package for building and analyzing SUSY and non-SUSY models. It calculates all vertices, mass matrices, tadpoles equations, one-loop corrections for tadpoles and self-energies, and two-loop RGEs for a given model. SARAH writes model files for FeynArts, CalcHep/CompHep, which can also be used for dark matter studies using MicrOmegas, the UFO format which is supported by MadGraph 5 and for WHIZARD and OMEGA.
SARAH was also the first available spectrum-generator-generator: based on derived analytical expressions it creates source code for SPheno. It is therefore possible to implement new models in SPheno without the need to write any Fortran code by hand. The output for Vevacious can be used to check for the global minimum for a given model and parameter point.
Running SARAH is fast, it already includes a long list of SUSY and non-SUSY models, and the implementation of new models is efficient and straightforward.


More information about SARAH

  • Mini Manual

    For the very impatient users: SARAH in a nutshell
  • Helpful references to start with

    • Exploring new models in all detail with SARAH, F. Staub: 1503.04200
    • Computer tools in particle physics, A. Vicente: 1507.06349
  • Features

    Main new features of Version 1

    • Easy and short definition of SUSY models
    • Output of model files for CalcHep/CompHep which can be used with MicrOmegas
    • Output of model files for FeynArts/FormCalc
    • LaTeX output for all information derived about the model

    Main new features of Version 2

    • Calculation of two-loop SUSY RGEs
    • Calculation of one-loop corrections to tadpoles and self-energies
    • CalcHep model files support SLHAplus functionality to read spectrum files

    Main new features of Version 3

    • Writes source code for SPheno to create a spectrum generator for a given model
    • Output of model files for WHIZARD/Omega
    • Output of models in UFO format which is supported by MadGraph 5
    • Gauge fixing terms are derived automatically
    • Support of models with Dirac Gauginos

    Main new features of Version 4

    • FlavorKit functionality for the implementation of flavor observables
    • Linking Susyno to support more gauge groups: SO(N), SP(2N),E6,E7,E8
    • Easier and better support of Non-SUSY models
    • Calculation of the two-loop RGEs in a general quantum field theory
    • Improved handling of non-fundamental representations of unbroken gauge groups (like color)
    • Interface to Vevacious
    • New front-end which provides more information about the current status of a calculation
    • Two-loop corrections to neutral Higgs masses
    • Two scale matching approach to deal with heavy SUSY scales
    • Higgs mass calculation within effective SM
    • Two-body decays at full one-loop
    • General solution to 'Goldstone boson catastrophe' in two-loop mass calculations
    • Full tree-level calculation of unitarity constraints
    • One-loop matching between two scalar sectors
  • References

    If you use SARAH, please check for the corresponding Reference(s).
  • Frequently asked questions

    See the FAQ-page


  • Implemented models

    See the list of models which are included in the public SARAH version.
  • Model database

    Check the wiki for a collection of SARAH model files and the different outputs