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  • 27. May 2024 (4.15.3):
    • Important bugfix in loop corrections for scalars of only one generation. This affected versions 4.15.1 and 4.15.2, which are now deprecated. Thanks Junjie Cao and Yuanfeng Yue.
    • Corrected normalisation for RGEs in SM+Triplet-Real model (thanks Pietro Slavich)
  • 20. December 2023 (4.15.2):
    • Python 3-compatible UFO output.
    • UFO modifications for anyBSM (thanks Martin Gabelmann).
    • Automatic generation of QNUMBERS blocks (for pythia, SModelS, etc). Nb there is also the possibility to specify additional "odd" particles for SModelS, through ExtraOddParticles={...} in SPheno.m.
    • Minor bugfixes
  • 6. October 2022 (4.15.1):
    • Minor bugfix
  • 12. August 2022 (4.15.0):
    • Significantly improved computation of W boson mass, see arXiv:2208.05867 (with K. Benakli, W. Ke and P. Slavich) for details.
    • Important: the new computation is only active when two-scale matching (SPhenoInput flag 66) is used (this is the default option).
    • Minor bug fix (thanks W. Kotlarski).
  • 1. June 2021 (4.14.5):
    • Include interface to 3.0.0 whizard 3.0.0 (Provided by Juergen Reuter). This is intended as a legacy feature; whizard users can now instead use the UFO interface.
    • Fixed a bug introduced in 4.14.4 loading models in subdirectories.
    • Fixed a bug in EW boundaries in spheno output (Thanks Shoaib Munir).
  • 17. December 2020 (4.14.4):
    • Colourful unitarity! 2012.09022 Thanks also to Michael Baker for correspondence.
    • Fix sign of S,T,U (Thanks Michael Baker)
    • Fix bug in CalcHEP for certain colour structures
    • Fix line(s) in non-SUSY RGEs (thanks Tom Steudtner, Ingo Schienbein)
    • Fix bugs in HiggsBounds output, make default HiggsBounds5 (thanks Samadrita Mukherjee, Tim Stefaniak, Tania Robens for correspondence)
    • Fix small bug in FeynArts output (thanks Sho Iwamoto)
    • Update references
  • 04.October 2019 (4.14.3):
    • Fix for FFV decays with massless photons
    • Fix for two-loop SUSY RGEs for Bij terms
    • Other bug-fixes
  • 26.June 2019 (4.14.2):
    • Bug-fix in CalcHep output (phase of fSU3)
    • Bug-fix in RGE output for Mathematica
  • 03.December 2018 (4.14.1):
    • Bug-fixes in NLO matching conditions (affects only diagrams with tree-level Propagator diagrams, ie. not the MSSM)
    • Turned-off debug output of SPheno in NLO matching routines
  • 29.October 2018 (4.14.0):
    • One-loop matching between two scalar sectors, see 1810.XXXXX
    • Corrections in non-SUSY RGEs, see 1809.06797
  • 11.May 2018 (4.13.0):
    • Full tree-level calculation of unitarity constraints
    • Improvements for non-SUSY RGEs
    • Several bug-fixes and other improvements; see the full Changelog
  • 15.December 2017 (4.12.3):
    • Added support of Wilson Coefficient Exchange Format (WCxF)
  • 01.September 2017 (4.12.2):
    • Check of tree-level unitarity condtions with SPheno. Set AddTreeLevelUnitarityLimits=True; to the SPheno.m file
    • Calculation of S,T,U Parameters with SPheno (beta-status; use it carefully!)
    • Patches in the one-loop shifts to the tadpoles used by the new two-loop routine (prevented some models to compile)
    • Tiny improvements in LaTeX Output
    • Updated models: Georgi-Machacek (new SPheno.m files), TNMSSM (added phase to double charged Higgs [Thanks to Keping Xie]), added to non-SUSY models the calculation of tree-level unitarity checks
    • Fix in FlavorKit implementation of Meson to Lepton+Neutrino decays (sum over final states neutrinos correct now)
    • Fix in Vevacious output for cases in which a single scalar mass (not mass matrix) depends on the Higgs VEV
    • Beta version of routines to get an uncertainty estimates of the mass calculation in SPheno
  • 20.July 2017 (4.12.1):
    • Bug-fix in new SA_B0 function (check for p2=0 missing; thanks to P. Diessner)
    • Symmetry information used in TeX output to get shorter expressions
  • 16.June 2017 (4.12.0):
    • Implemented general solution for the 'Goldstone Boson Catastrophe' (in collaboration with Mark D. Goodsell and Johannes Braathen): two-loop corrections are now available also for non-SUSY models. See arxiv:1706:05372 for more details
    • Bug-fix in one-loop S->VV decays for massless V; corrected colour factor for loop-induced decays if external colour structure is not trivial
    • New check in 'ModelOutput' if non-vanishing vertices violate charge
    • tan(beta) in SPheno now by default defined at renormalisation scale (M_SUSY for SUSY models) even if SPA conventions are turned off (before, it was M_Z)
    • anomalous dimensions are written to LaTeX output also for non-SUSY models now
    • bug-fix in HiggsBounds interface of SPheno
  • 27.March 2017 (4.11.0):
    • Two-body decays with SPheno at full one-loop (in collaboration with Mark D. Goodsell and Stefan Liebler), see 1703.09237
    • Changes in MadGraph specific output of SPheno (spc files accepted by MG 2.5.3 as param_card)
    • FeynArts interfaces uses now 'IndexSum' to reduce the length of the expressions
    • Beta-version of FeynArts interface with counter-terms
    • Fix in the B->Kll calculation in FlavorKit: coefficient of C7, C7' corrected (thanks to Luc Darme)
    • Fix in CalcHep output with CP-violation: real and imaginary part for quartics was exchanged when reading input files
    • Fix in two-loop gauge dependent part of running VEVs for non-SUSY models (thanks to Tom Steudtner)
    • Interface to HiggsBounds 5 (set HiggsBounds flag to 2 instead 1)
  • 11.March 2017 (4.10.2):
    • Solved seg-fault when writing SPheno output (Thanks to A. Voigt)
  • 09.March 2017 (4.10.1):
    • Improvements in two-scale matching in SPheno
    • Flag to get get an SLHA output from SPheno which is supported as param_card by MG
  • 20.February 2017 (4.10.0):
    • New matching procedure in SPheno to obtain running gauge and Yukawa couplings
    • Possibility to calculate the light Higgs mass within an effective SM setup
    • Possibility to set regulator masses to prevent the 'Goldstone boson catastrophe'
  • 08.November 2016 (4.9.3):
    • New option to write explicitly imaginary parts for all parameters in SPheno spectrum file (might be needed by newer MadGraph version)
    • Bug-Fix in the SPheno output of RGEs with tensor-valued parameters (Thanks to M. Krauss)
    • Fix in the charged Higgs contributions in FlavorKit affected tree-level B-decays
  • 26.July 2016 (4.9.1):
    • Fixed problem with MicrOmegas when setting RunningCoup->False in MakeCHep
    • Fixed problem with non-SUSY models including RGE running: turned off two-loop Higgs masses which are not yet supposed to be used in that case
    • Solved problem introduced in 4.9.0 with one-loop corrections of vector-like fermions appearing in one generation
  • 13.July 2016 (4.9.0):
    • Re-organised SPheno output using sub-directories: It is necessary from now on to use "cp -R" when copying the SARAH output to the SPheno directory!
    • Generalised matching conditions, see the SARAH wiki
    • New flag 77 to get output for MicrOmegas: running masses for light quarks are written; that's necessary for the direct detection calculation to have proper cancellations in case of flavour violation
    • Updated FlavorKit to include Wilson coefficients for 4d operators (thanks to J. Jones for providing the file)
    • changed calculation of Delta M_K and Delta M_B (thanks for D. Straub for helpful discussions)
    • Using correct masses for diphoton and digluon decays of pseudo-scalars (thanks for A. Wlotzka)
  • 10.Mai 2016 (4.8.6): Some small patches:
    • NoU1Mixing=False doesn't cause a problem anymore if just Abelian group is present
    • correct hypercharge normalisation in FirstGuess for models which just one Higgs doublet
    • On-Shell condition for models with CPV in second iteration correctly applied
    • correct dimension of effective Higgs couplings in models with only one CP-odd state (SPheno failed to compile). Thanks to J. Ellis and A. Kvellestad
  • 26.April 2016 (4.8.5):
    • Fixed (compiler dependent) problem with RGE running in SPheno in non-SUSY models (Thanks to A. Fowlie)
    • fixed bug in two-loop corrections to pseudo-scalars (Thanks to P. Diessner)
  • 19.April 2016 (4.8.4):
    • Changed default values for Les Houches input for several models
    • added SLHA1-like SPheno.m for NMSSM/CPV
  • 12.April 2016 (4.8.3):
    • Added model U1xMSSM
    • patches in SPheno output: (i) ignoring empty list for EXTPAR, (ii) fixed complex phase in gaugino RGEs at 2-loop, (iii) solved problem with code generating in the presence of fermions that don't mix (bug added in v.4.8.2)
  • 04.April 2016 (4.8.2): Made sure that fields are correctly ordered in functions for non-SUSY RGEs
  • 03.March 2016 (4.8.1):
    • Added micromegas main file with direct detection working with MO v4.2 and newer
    • updated SPheno output of Wilson coefficients to work with flavio
    • fixes in calculation of B->Kll in FlavorKit
  • 02.March 2016 (4.8.0):
    • Large speed improvement in non-SUSY RGEs
    • SPheno output of scalar cross sections at 13,14 and 100 TeV
    • refined NLO calculation to diphotons in light quark limit
    • output of NP contributions to Wilson coefficients in FLHA blocks
  • 18.February 2016 (4.7.0):
    • Precise calculation of diphoton and digluon rates with SPheno up to NNNLO
    • UFO interface extended to read effective Hgg and H\gamma\gamma vertices from SPheno file
    • some bug-fixes (MS-bar terms, UFO files support now states with more than 10 generations)
  • 18.November 2015 (4.6.0):
    • routines to generates templates for particles and parameters file
    • new functionality to match Yukawas/VEVs in SPheno
    • many more small improvements: Changelog for 4.6.0
  • 18.June 2015 (4.5.8):
    • several small fixes for: FeynArts output with counter terms
    • UFO output with neutral scalars appearing in one generation
    • RGEs for SSDM;
  • 02.June 2015 (4.5.7):
    • added support to colored propagators in LFV and QFV penugins
    • added support of several unbroken non-abelian gauge groups to SPheno
    • some improvements in CPV models with SPheno
    • fix in non-SUSY RGEs for fermion mass terms
    • removed 'overwrite' statement in Lagrangian definition of non-SUSY models
    • fixed color factor in decays of non-fundamental colour representations in two fields which are also non-fundamental colour representations
  • 24.April 2015 (4.5.6):
    • changed model files NMSSM/CPV and MSSM/CPV to include phases in charged Higgs sector (thanks to A. Voigt and S. Passher)
    • added support of double charged Higgs in flavor observables at tree-level
    • changed implementation of TSM and added SPheno.m
    • rewrote Yukawa thresholds in SPheno (numerically equivalent, but easier to adjust)
    • support of SPheno output in case of several unbroken gauge groups
  • 11.April 2015 (4.5.5):
    • solved problem with running SPheno when compiled with specific gfortran version
    • patched calculation of Dynkin and Casimir of a state defined as "-2" of SU(2)
  • 08.April 2015 (4.5.4):
    • solved problem with non-susy RGEs for some models introduced with version 4.5.3
    • possibility to define same phase for several states
  • 27.March 2015 (4.5.3):
    • fixed problem with CGCs in non-susy RGEs in the presense of non-fundamental fields of broken groups
    • changed convention how to set SM gauge and Yukawa couplings in SPheno for non-SUSY models
    • added kinetic mixingup to two-loop to SUSY RGEs for B and T terms
    • fixed sign in one-loop beta-function for gauge-dependent part of running VEVs in non-susy model s(Thanks to Tom Steudtner)
  • 16.March 2015 (4.5.1):
    • fixed phase calculation of gluino in SPheno (thanks to Constantin Sluka)
    • fixed problem with scalar 3-body decays in Z' models
    • included CP splitting for Sgluons in MRSSM
  • 11.March 2015 (4.5.0):
    • Diagrammatic calculation of two-loop Higgs masses with SPheno in generic models (in collaboration with Mark D. Goodsell and Kilian Nickel)
    • three-body decays for scalars (S->SFF topologies) added (Thanks to Lukas Mitzka and Roberto Ruiz de Austri!)
    • support of Fayet-Iliopoulowqs D-term for U(1) groups
    • FlavorKit files updated to better catch special casses in combinations of C0 and B0-functions
  • 08.January 2015 (4.4.6): Fixed output problem for 3-body decays in SPheno
  • 06.January 2015 (4.4.5):
    • Changed "FirstGuess" in SPheno in case of small tan(beta)
    • fixed problem with Mathematica 10.0.2 in SPheno output
  • 08.December 2014 (4.4.4):
    • WHIZARD output supports now v.2.2.3
    • FlavorKit output includes Wilson coefficients
    • adjusted input conventions for SPhenoNMSSM to SLHA2 in low scale mode.
  • 27.November 2014 (4.4.3):
    • fixed compilation problem with long WHIZARD model files
    • fixed tex problem for SU(N) with N>3
    • simplified auxiliary interactions in CalcHep output which could cause compilation problems with MicrOmegas
  • 20.November 2014 (4.4.2):
    • fixed problem with color factor in two-loop Higgs masses in the presence of scalar octets
    • changed settings for 'SafeMode' in two loop calculation to start with larger step-size
    • flag 'SkipFlavorKit=True' to skip FlavorKit output
  • 09.November 2014 (4.4.1): changed sign conventions in non-SUSY RGEs (global sign for Lagrangian terms removed)
  • 04.November 2014 (4.4.0):
  • 11.September 2014 (4.3.5): Some cosmetical changes in TeX output and several models
  • 04.September 2014 (4.3.4): Fixed compilation problem with SPheno if fine-tuning is turned on
  • 19.August 2014 (4.3.3):
    • Support of CalcHep models with two DM candidates (description)
    • new model SDDM with singlet and doublet DM candidates
  • 14.August 2014 (4.3.2): Fixed small compilation problem with SPheno and gfortran
  • 26.July 2014 (4.3.1):
    • replaced CG coefficients for 3x8xbar(3) in CalcHep, MadGraph and WHIZARD output by Gell-Mann matrices
    • fixed typo in some SPheno.m files (MAinput <->mAinput), because of the case-insensitivity of Fortran this hasn't caused any problem
    • added check for R-symmetry in CalcHep/MicrOmegas output if no Z_2 is defined in model
    • new flag for SPheno.m (UseBoundarySUSYatEWSB) if the boundary conditions defined in BoundarySUSY are used at MZ in the matching to SM parameters
  • 10.July 2014 (4.3.0): A face-lift to the SARAH front-end which provides also more information about the status of a current calculation.
  • 18.June 2014 (4.2.3):
    • Better support of additional Lagrangian parameters in SPheno output
    • added l_i -> l_j l_k l_k to FlavorKit; NHSSM as new model
    • fixed calculation of mixing angle beta in singlet extensions in spc file
    • fine-tuning now calculated at M_SUSY instead of M_Z
  • 21.May 2014 (4.2.2): Patched compatibility issue with WHIZARD; needs WHIZARD 2.2.1
  • 07.May 2014 (4.2.1): Added reference for FlavorKit; updated N-B-L-SSM and MDGSSM
  • 06.May 2014 (4.2.0):
    • FlavorKit left beta-status
    • new Models: MDGSSM and BxL-SSM
    • improved handling of parameter dependence a bit
    • initializing gluon phase in UFO output with 1
    • changed running of SM parameters in calculation of precision observables
    • SPheno output needs at least SPheno 3.3.0
  • 26.March 2014 (4.2.0beta):
  • 17.February 2014 (4.1.0):
    • Possibility to calculate the fine-tuning with SPheno (Description)
    • added new model 'DiracNMSSM'
    • check if all SM couplings are present in the model, if not, running of SM RGEs disabled in SPheno output
  • 6. February 2014 (4.0.5):
    • Fixed problem with FeynArts output (thanks to A. Bednyakov)
    • fixed problem with numerical solutions of tadpole equations in SPheno for specific parameter combinations (thanks to D. Busbridge)
  • 31.January 2014 (4.0.4)
    • New function to check contraction of non-SUSY interactions (SA`LagrangianContractions)
    • Fixed problems with 'CheckModel' for non-SUSY models (thanks to M. Hirsch)
    • fixed calculation of rho-parameter in presence of triplet VEVs (thanks to W. Kotlarski, P. Diessner)
    • fixed defintion of ThetaW in MRSSM (thanks to A. Voigt)
  • 26.November 2013 (4.0.3):
    • Added check if parameters calculated from the tadpole equations in SPheno are real
    • disabled calculation of vertices and loops in SPheno output for higher regimes
    • added check to SPheno output if there are new contributions to EW VEV
    • Fix in TeX output of Gauge Fixing terms
    • Fix in loopmasses (affects only Rpm in MRSSM; Thanks to A.Voigt, W. Kotlarski)
    • fix in non-SUSY RGEs of fermion mass terms (Thanks to M. Goodsell)
    • new model SSDM (Thanks to D. Restrepo)
  • 30.October 2013 (4.0.2):
    • Added Quiver models from 1310.4500 (Thanks to A. Bharucha, A. Goudelis, M. McGarrie)
    • Model 'DiracGauginos': decomposed scalar octet into real and imaginary component. (Thanks to D Busbridge)
    • Fixed problem with SPheno output for B-L-SM and B-L-SM-IS
  • 04.October 2013 (4.0.1):
    • Solved compatibility issue with MicrOmegas 3.X (Thanks to A. Pukhov)
    • support of eff. Higgs vertices for CalcHep output in case of CPV. Changed MRSSM (added mu-term to get automatically B_mu; Thanks to P. Diessner).
  • 27.September 2013 (4.0.0): First final version of SARAH 4! Note, SPheno output needs SPheno 3.2.4. See 1309.7223 for a description of all new features.

Older Versions

  • 25.September 2013 (4b.0.1.16): Fixed compatibility issue with Mathematica 9
  • 23.September 2013 (4b.0.1.8): New input format: SuperFields, ScalarFields, FermionFields; simplified syntax for superpotential; calculation of RGEs for non-SUSY models.
  • 31.July 2013 (4b.0.0.10): Output of loop corrections includes new constant rMS to translate the results to bar(MS) scheme. rMS=0 is bar(DR), and rMS=1 corresponds to bar(MS). Fixed index problem in ghost contributions.
  • 28.July 2013 (4b.0.0.9): Fixed typo in output of tadpole corrections due to fermions. Thanks to Wojciech Kotlarski.
  • 26.July 2013 (4b.0.0.8): Fixed problem when vector bosons are defined before corresponding Goldstone in particles.m (Thanks to Adriano Sampieri); bug fix in the 2-loop RGEs in the case that Tr2 involved non-fundamental irreps (Thanks to Ken Van Tilburg).
  • 17.July 2013 (4b.0.0.7): Including gauge fixing parameters in UFO output to handle Ghost vertices; support of multiplets of broken gauge groups which components are the sum of several states (i.e. the (1,1)-entry of a SU(3) octet can be written as a3 + a8/Sqrt(3) )
  • 05.July 2013 (4b.0.0.6): Fix in output of pseudo scalar self-energy involving ghosts; entries of MINPAR/EXTPAR in LesHouches template created by SARAH only written if necessary; fix in HiggsBounds output of SPheno in case of several charged Higgs fields
  • 24.May 2013 (4b.0.0.5): Minor improvements in SPheno output; added new model SM-8C; Fix in TeX-like output of self-energy of charged vector bosons (Thanks to A.Voigt)
  • 16.May 2013 (4b.0.0.4): Beta-Functions of VEVs in RXi gauge (see 1305.1548); New flags for SPheno modules: SPhenoInput[61]=(1/0): run SM RGEs for low scale input or use values given in LesHouches file; SPhenoInput[62]=(1/0): run/don't run SUSY parameters in calculation of LowEnergy observables; SPhenoInput[14]=(1/0) run/don't run SUSY parameters in calculation of SUSY decays; SPhenoInput[530]=(1/0): write/don't write blocks necessary for Vevacious; fix in HiggsBounds output (eff. coupling ratios of pseudo scalars were wrong by a factor of 4)
  • 16.May 2013 (3.3.2): Fixed compatibility issue with SPheno-3.2.3; bugfix in HiggsBounds output of SPheno
  • 09.May 2013 (4b.0.0.3): Solved compatibility issue with SPheno-3.2.3
  • 26.April 2013 (4b.0.0.2): Fixed problem in TeX-Output of Self-Energies; Fixed problem of UFO output in case of complex VEVs;
  • 15.April 2013: Beta-Version of SARAH4 released. Improved support of non-SUSY models (see e.g. new model files for SM); Support of other Lie-Groups by linking Susyno; Changed color handling (non-fundamental irreps no longer treated as tensors); Support of color sextets in UFO output (see also new Model MSSM6C)
  • 12.April 2013 (3.3.1): SPheno spectrum files include SM values for B_s/B_d decays; Added U(1)-charges to SPheno spectrum file which are variable (concerns UMSSM); solved problem with CalcHep output in case of CP violation;
  • 20.December 2012 (3.3.0): SPheno output includes full one-loop calculation for $B_{s,d}^0 \to l_i \bar{l}_j$ (implementation together with Kilian Nickel); solved problem with SPheno output of models with several regimes on a Mac (thanks to Moritz McGarrie);
  • 12.November 2012 (3.2.1): It could happen that Mathematica 8 displayed some error message when loading SARAH. This is fixed now.
  • 6.November 2012 (3.2.0): Support of models with Dirac Gauginos; new models: MSSM/NMSSM with DiracGauginos, MRSSM
  • 28.September 2012 (3.1.2): Added effective Higgs vertices to CalcHep output; writing c-code to run SPheno from CalcHep; added to UFO output; more information about Higgs sector included in SPheno output. Complete changelog
  • 27.June 2012 (3.1.1): Speed improvement in WHIZARD output; QCD correction to H-> glu glu and H-> photon photon in SPheno output; support of generalized PDG numbering scheme ('UsePDG.IX = True;')
  • 15.June 2012 (3.1.0): main changes: UFO/Madgraph 5 output has left beta-status; gauge fixing terms no longer needed as input but derived by SARAH. Complete changelog
  • 6.Mach 2012 (3.0.41): main changes: basis for scalar mass matrices changed by a complex conjugation; small improvements in tex output; Complete changelog
  • 29.February 2012 (3.0.39): Main changes: possibility to define electric charge of particles; improved treatment of U(1) gauge couplings SPheno output. Complete changelog
  • 11.January 2012 (3.0.30): Main changes: renamed particle names in output, better support of phases in Higgs sector. Few bug fixes. Complete changelog. Thanks to Eduardo Ponton and Ben O`Leary.
  • 3.January 2012 (3.0.27): B-L models included; option to include flags in SPheno code to switch off loop-contributions due to specific fields; bugfix in HiggsBounds output of SPheno (concerns A-H-Z coupling); rotation of heavy fields to mass eigenstates at each tresholds scale (e.g. Seesaw 3); known widths are written to WHIZARD model files; written main file for MicrOmegas writes main annihilation channels; calculation of Br(h->gg) corrected
  • 24.November 2011 (3.0.23): Included W contributions for l -> 3l'; SPheno code runs now also with SPheno 3.1.5; widths of particles included in parameters file for WHIZARD written by SPheno
  • 16.November 2011 (3.0.20): Changed convention of soft-breaking scalar masses to be in agreement with Martin/Vaughn (thanks to Filipe Joaquim), changed sign of PDGs for Charginos and charged Higgs to agree with conventions of SLHA 2 (thanks to Ben O`Leary), corrected Z-penguins in l->3l' in created SPheno code (thanks to Avelino Vicente); changed function for decays of scalars in two vector bosons (need SPheno 3.1.6!)
  • 25.October 2011 (3.0.15): Beta version of output in UFO format: MakeUFO[]; (thanks to Florian Bonnet, Olivier Mattelaer, Clause Duhr, Benjamin Fuks and Johan Alwall for helpful discussion), SPheno output includes calculation of additional low energy constraints: b to s gamma, lepton to lepton' gamma, lepton to 3 lepton' (thanks to Avelino Vicente and Martin Hirsch for support), bug fix in LaTeX output using MakeAll[] (thanks to Arindam Das)
  • 11.October 2011 (3.0.8): Enabled SPheno output for models in SCKM basis (MSSM/CKM, NMSSM/CKM); solved problem with FeynArts and TeX filenames for long model name; changed standard parametrization of EW sector in CalcHep/WHIZARD: Gf and alpah^-1 are taken as input now.
  • 4.October 2011 (3.0.5): New function to check model (CheckModel); improved documentation of commands inside Mathematica
  • 24.September 2011 (3.0.0): Final version of SARAH 3 online
  • 21.September 2011 (3.0.beta32): Changes in input (rotations of gauge bosons; GUT scale of SPheno), see Changes.txt for more details. NOTE: Produced SPheno code needs at least SPheno 3.1.5! New models: TMSSM, TNMSSM
  • 18.August 2011 (3.0.beta24): Calculation of neutrino masses with SPheno happens now at MZ; some bug fixes: in SPheno.m files for Seesaw I-III (thanks to M. Hirsch); in the check for vertices (concerns model MSSM-RpV-BnV; thanks to T.Slatyer); in the numerical calculations (thanks to C. Wells).
  • 20.July 2011 (3.0.beta21): Model files for inverse seesaw included; small speed improvement in calculation of vertices
  • 19.July 2011: Moved to
  • 15.July 2011 (3.0.beta20b): Included possibility of complex VEVs
  • 12.July 2011 (3.0.beta20): U(1) mixing included in RGEs, cf. arXiv:1107.2670
  • 07.July 2011 (3.0.beta19): Created SPheno version supports HiggsBounds output: writes all necessary files HiggsBounds 3beta; also some low-energy constraints are now calculated by the new SPheno-modules: delta rho, g-2, EDM
  • 20.June 2011 (3.0.beta18): Possibility of low-energy SPheno version
  • 05.June 2011 (3.0.beta15): More checks of consistency of model files included
  • 20.April 2011 (3.0.beta10): Extended possibility to define terms in the Lagrangian manually: extendes support of non-SUSY models
  • 13.April 2011 (3.0.beta7): Included U(1) mixing in Lagrangian (i.e. appears in vertices, tadpoles, masses; RGEs not yet coverd)
  • 4.April 2011 (3.0.beta5): No flag NoFlavorMixing for mass matrices
  • 8.March 2011 (3.0.beta2): Output for WHIZARD/Omega (in collaboration with Christian Speckner)
  • 02.December 2010 (3.0 beta): Beta version of the third version online: Source code generator for SPheno: Easy way to implement new models in SPheno. The new SPheno modules support for instance: 2-loop RGEs, 1-loop mass corrections, 2- and 3-body decays
  • 21. November 2010 (2.2.3): Simplified input of additional terms to the Lagrangian (changed SM model file in this context); Support of SLHAplus output of CalcHep; Renamed directories nMSSM and sMSSM to solve problem with file system without case-sensitivity (Thanks to Carol Phillips); New model: Inert doublet model (non-supersymmetric!); Automatic inclusion of mixed soft-breaking mass terms (Thanks to Martin Spinrath); Fix of F-Terms involving symmetric parameters (Thanks to Gao Tiejun)
  • 02. November 2010 (2.2.2): Change in FeynArts output: trigonometric functions replaced by constant variable, 'color' renamed to 'Colour', real parameters defined in model file (Thanks to Oscar Stahl); Change in RGEs: possibility of mixed anomalous dimension between two different superfields added; Supersymmetric left-right model added
  • 15. October 2010 (2.2.1): Change in TeX main file; change in calculation of higherdimensional representations: contraction with epsilon tensor added; bug fix in flavor decompositon of scalars
  • 07. October 2010 (2.2): Global definitions of properites for particle and parameters; LaTeX output improved; models reorder; new models: sMSSM,SMSSM,nMSSM, UMSSM; gauge fixing terms corrected; GUT normalization for U(1) couplings can be defined via parameters file
  • 17. September 2010 (2.1.5): Problems with FeynArts output solved: naming of trilinear, scalar couplings changed; added definitions for gauge fixing parameters
  • 01. July 2010 (2.1.4): Check of charge conservation in superpotential; new functions MassMatrix[field], TadpoleEquation[vev]: Easier to handle as MassMatricesFull[Eigenstates][[entry]] and TadpoleEquations[Eigenstates][[entry]]
  • 03. June 2010 (2.1.3): Possibility to define Phases for particles added; RGEs for VEVs added
  • 16. May 2010 (2.1.2): NMSSM in CKM basis added; minor changes in TeX output; RGEs of effective superpotential parameters added
  • 23. April 2010 (2.1.1): Running of strong coupling in CalcHep-Output; Bugfix in model file for MSSM in CKM basis
  • 06. April 2010 (2.1.0): Using SLHA 2 conventions: Trilinear, softbreaking parameters called T[X] and bilinear ones B[X]; function to name different flavors separately: DEFINITION[Eigenstates][Flavors]; Bugfix in TeX output of one loop tadpoles; New options for CalcRGEs: handle generations as variable, switch off matrix multipliction, support of parameters with three generation indices
  • 17. February 2010 (2.0.1): CalcHep/CompHep: Possibility to suppress splitting of 4-Scalar-Vertices, Bugfix for interaction of auxiliary fields of vector bosons; Improvements of the function for reading LesHouches files; Bugfix in kovariant derivates (doesn't affect MSSM-Gauge-Sector)
  • 03. February 2010 (2.0): Functions for RGEs and loop corrections, support of non-fundamental representations.
  • 15. December 2009 (1.0.4): Changing convention for Ghost interactions in FeynArts Model to convention of FeynArts 3.5
  • 14. December 2009: Change in CalcHep-Output with CP-Violation (only in Lagrange file)
  • 12. November 2009 (1.0.3): Bug fix in ModelOutput (adresses only output of gauge eigenstates)
  • 02. October 2009 (1.0.2): Automatized numbering of particles in FeynArts models, if number is not defined
  • 15. September 2009 (1.0.1): Small changes in CompHep and LaTeX output
  • 28. August 2009: Final Version SARAH 1.0 online