Electroweak Scale Inverse Seesaw
Meta Data
- Authors: J.Chang, K.Cheung, H.Ishida, C.-T.Lu, M.Spinrath, Y.-L.S.Tsai
- Last change: 2018-06-12
- Model based on arXiv:1707.04374
- Output created by: SARAH 4.12.2
If you use the model or one of the attached outputs for your study, please check for the appropriate reference(s).
Last modified 7 years ago
Last modified on Jun 12, 2018, 1:01:56 PM
Attachments (8)
inverse-Seesaw-SUSY-EW.zip (34.1 KB) - added by 7 years ago.
SARAH Model Files
SUSY_EW_ISS-EWSB.pdf (768.7 KB) - added by 7 years ago.
The compiled SARAH LaTeX output of the model
CHep.zip (790.7 KB) - added by 7 years ago.
CalcHEP output
SPheno.zip (1.6 MB) - added by 7 years ago.
SPheno Output
UFO.zip (780.6 KB) - added by 7 years ago.
UFO Output
WHIZARD.zip (1.6 MB) - added by 7 years ago.
FlavorKit.zip (159.6 KB) - added by 7 years ago.
FlavorKit? Output
FeynArts.zip (19.2 KB) - added by 7 years ago.
FeynArts? Output